19/09/2024 às 10:32 Technology

Applicable solutions to tackle QuickBooks error h202

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QuickBooks is an accounting software that records business transactions in real time and allows users to share them with other authorized users. However, QuickBooks error h202 can sometimes emerge during the multi-user network setup and stop file sharing. If you also face this hosting issue on your QB, continue reading the blog to learn why the error develops and the reliable ways to remove it.

Let our QB support team handle the matter by giving them a call at 1.855.738.2784 for assistance.

Why you run into QuickBooks error code H202?

This error forbids you from switching the server to multi-user mode for hosting the data file for the workstations. The potential causes of this multi-user mode issue in QuickBooks are mentioned below-

  • QuickBooks fails to set up the multi-user network due to incorrect hosting settings or workstations using the multi-user mode.
  • QuickBooks fails to trace the path to the data file due to incorrect location mentioned in the software or lack of folder permissions.
  • The Database Server Manager crashes in the background due to technical glitches, leading to a complete breakdown of the multi-user network.

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Easy ways to get rid of QuickBooks error message H202

You’ll have to take preventive measures against this error code to share your company file without problems. The usable techniques to kick this multi-user mode issue out of your QB are discussed below-

Solution 1- Set the QB hosting settings correctly before sharing the data file

QuickBooks can only share the company file from a server computer if all the remaining systems (workstations) run in single-user mode. This causes the Database Server Manager to malfunction instantly, and you might face trouble switching the server to multi-user mode. This issue can be sorted by fixing the hosting settings to ensure that only the server computer runs in multi-user mode. The correct way to adjust the QB hosting settings is discussed below-

  • Launch QBDT on the system where you come across this error and click the File menu.
  • Select Utilities in the list and hit the Stop hosting multi-user access option.
  • Go to all the workstations and apply the same steps to run them all in single-user mode.
  • Run QB on the server and access Utilities in the File menu.
  • Tap the Host multi-user access option and reboot all the systems together.
  • Open your company file in multi-user mode on the server when the systems open.

If the multi-user mode error appears again after configuring the hosting settings, move to the next solution.

Solution 2- Check your company file location in the software

You can also encounter this issue if QuickBooks fails to find the data file in its default location. You must check the location of the data file in your QB and verify that the file exists in that location on your system. If not, apply these steps-

  • Search for your company file and go to its location using the search results.
  • Right-click the data file and tap Copy.
  • Move the data file to C: Users\Public\PublicDocumentes\Intuit\QuickBooksXX\CompanyFiles.
  • Retry opening the company file on the server.


This blog shares the potential causes of QuickBooks error h202 coming up while hosting a data file. The effective techniques to terminate the error are also mentioned in the blog, and we suggest you implement them to host the data file without any problems.

Speak to our QB support team at 1.855.738.2784 to clarify your remaining doubts about the issue.

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19 Set 2024

Applicable solutions to tackle QuickBooks error h202

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Error H202 in QuickBooks Desktop H202 Error QuickBooks 2019 How do I Fix H202 Error in QuickBooks I am Getting Error Code H202 While Switching to Multi-User Mode in QuickBooks

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